Your Daily Feed Of Professional VR/AR News

Want to keep up with news, case reports, trends, research, and expert opinions about professional adoption and application of VR and AR? Here on XRnews4work you can find news articles from knowledgeable and reputable sources, handpicked and curated by XR4work. Use this FREE resource to stay informed and inspired on VR / AR for work or enterprise! For a weekly digest of the biggest news, submit your email here.

Categories on XRnews4work

This website consists of four categories of news links, as described below. Using this categorization, we hope you'll easily find exactly the reference material that suits your professional needs and answers your questions.

  • "Case" - if you're looking for concrete examples of different use cases and specific deployments of XR tech in organizations, this is the right place for you.
  • "Tech" - XR for work is a rapidly developing field, driven at the core by engineering and hard innovation. Keep up with the most important advances in hardware and software here.
  • "Trends" - Industry developments, analyst and opinion pieces that give you the bigger picture
  • "Research" - New papers and reports about XR for professional uses, from academia as well as conducted by private companies.

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(New submissions are evaluated and published twice weekly.)

XRnews4work - a part of XR4work

This news website is a resource from XR4work, the best platform to kickstart your professional XR initiative. Whether you're just starting to learn about professional VR and AR solutions, or you've already deployed projects in your organization, we can help you move to the next level in this cutting-edge area of digital transformation. collects and presents apps, solutions, and suppliers for use cases such as VR meetings, training simulations, data visualization, 3D design, virtual production, and much more. We're mapping the spatial landscape for professionals as it's being developed

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XR4work on Youtube explores apps, platforms, and methods for productivity using VR and AR.

XR4work on Medium provides thought pieces, actionable guides, and insightful industry analysis from experts with a varied set of backgrounds.

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